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Our Services
Dispensary consultations can be stressful. Time-constraints limit in-depth exploration and explanation. Privacy is sacrificed.
HolistiCannabis will come to you, allowing for bed-ridden patients to be directly involved in their treatment. Our method also provides full-confidentiality to the discerning business professional and education for caregivers.
No lines, no rush, no questions left unanswered.
Psychological Imbalance and Physical Injury
Cannabis is a plant that mingles with our minds and our bodies in ways the scientific and medical communities are only just beginning to understand. We have come to learn that different people respond in different ways to the same forms of cannabis, which explains why some people can become anxious while others become enthusiastically motivated (for example). Your chemistry is personal to you yet we have learned that people with similar psychological compositions are likely to respond to cannabis in similar manners. These are valuable patterns and nuances for you to understand and employ when medicating and it is our job to educate and guide you toward what will best benefit your body-mind so that the nuances become more apparent.
When addressing physical injury, the mind is still an important factor. We can assist with pain management, inflammation reduction, wound repair, and get you back to work with a clear mind. At the same time, the personality qualities of a patient can dictate which of the healing strains are going to be the most efficacious. We will focus on short-term and long-term healing, depending on your needs. There are methodological options to your healing, as well, so if the patient is an avid athlete, smoking is not necessary: there are edible products, tinctures, dermal-penetrative topicals, and vaporizor options. We are committed to helping you heal and your personal preferences will be respected.
[ Bordeline Personality / ADD & ADHD / Anxiety / Depression / Dementia / PTSD / Anorexia & Bulimia / Obsessive Compulsive/ Austism / Bi-Polar / Sudden Loss / Traumatic Brain Injury / Stress / Spinal Injury ]
Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
Cannabis serves a variety of medicinal needs by interacting with natural receptors throughout our bodies. The receptors are called CB1 and CB2; they interact with cannabinoids that are produced by the human body, cannabis, and various spice plants. These receptors are located in regions such as the brain, spinal cord, neocortex, upper airways, uterus, prostate, testes, bones, the digestive tract, etc. Because we are specially-suited to process cannabinoids in these regions, we find that cannabis can effectively address stubborn dis-ease. By targeting these receptors through responsible and knowledgable medicating, we have seen great success in tumor reduction, spasm control, epileptic relief, the release of pain, the generation of appetite, the avoidance of neuropathy, the reduction of addiction, increased self-awareness, improved clarity of mind, etc.
We will work with the patient and caregiver(s) to identify what variants of cannabis will be most effective and, if so desired, work to establish a treatment plan that will serve over a longer-term period. We will help acquire the medicine and assist in ingestion methods. One is not beholden to smoke-inhalation. If that is not something that appeals to the patient, we can find an appropriate alternative. Our ultimate goal is to ease the patient into a position of physical comfort and emotional well-being.
[ Epilepsy / Multiple Sclerosis / Parkinson's / Neuropathy / Gastroenteritis / IBS / Crohn's / Nausea / Pre-Chemotherapy / Pain / Psoriasis / Autism / Huntington's / Delirium Tremens / Alzheimers / Dystonia ]
HIV, AIDS, and Cancer
HIV and AIDS present a difficult conglomeration of medical complications. Although we are unable to eliminate the virus from the patient's system, we are able to ameliorate the symptoms that arise. Discomfort and a lack of appetite are common, as are lung complications and sensitivity to external contaminants. Through experience, we are confident that we can address nausea, appetite, muscle pains, and lesions. Some patients prefer to smoke cannabis while others prefer less-invasive means (vaporizing, edibles, topical application). We can also address, through cannabis products, the anxiety and depression that can take hold. While nothing is a cure-all, we know that we can assist in diminishing the effects of an overwhelmed mind.
Cancer also presents a series of side-effects that are tied to the treatments and the illness itself. There is strong evidence that cannabinoids have an ability to counteract varying forms of cancer which leads to a greater sense of health and wellness. Whether the patient is entering chemotherapy or if s/he has already undergone rounds, the scientific community has relative confidence that cannabinoids may prevent, inhibit, and destroy cancer cells. If the patient has not yet undergone chemotherapy treatment, we can more effectively address the otherwise inevitable neuropathy that arrives as an unwelcomed side-effect. We know that cancers are varied in the tolls they take on the patients and we understand the sensitive nature of our practice in coordination with the patient's primary medical provider. Through targeted action, we aim to preserve life and enhance wholeness, comfort, and well-being.
[ HIV / AIDS / Breast Cancer / Night Sweats / Colon Cancer / Skin Cancer / Melanoma / Lung Cancer / Cervical Cancer / Lymphoma / Brain Cancer / Bone Cancer / Thyroids Cancer / Prostrate Cancer / Leukemia ]
Personalized Action-Plans
We are designing a survey to help us best understand your physical needs and your psychological composition. As cannabis is not a fool-proof science, we believe that tracking progress and making adjustments to dosage and ratio-levels is fundamental to healing effectively. Once we understand what is happening, what is helping, and how much the patient needs in order to address the specific ailment(s), we will provide the patient and caregiver(s) with a specific set of instructions on how, what, when, and how much. We will be by the patient's side through this process. We are committed to being available and we are committed to open information. Call us any time with questions and we will do our best to field your queries and address your needs.
[ Heart Disease / Macular Degeneration / Arthritis / Burns / Abscesses / Lesions / Inflammatory Disease Alcohol Dependence / Drug Addiction / Pharmaceutical Withdrawls / Tumor Reduction / Viral Infections ]
End-of-Life Counsel
As conscious beings, we are all faced with mortality. This is something for which some are prepared and some are not ready to accept. Those of us who have a life-threatening medical condition face this reality in a way that many others do not. Those who face what they know to be their physical end range from accepting to terrified, and everything in between. There is no "right" way to address the closure of our term here on Earth. There are, however, ways to process the fear, the anxiety, the sadness, and the discomfort of not knowing what comes next.
In working with patients from all stages of life, we have come to understand that the end of one's life is as important as the beginning. Parents bring a child into the world after preparing themselves, sometimes for months. It is our duty to allow ourselves and our loved ones to depart in a way that is loved, supported, comforted, calm, and prepared for. We come into life through love and we should leave with love.
If you or your loved one is facing this process, we are here to support you. There are questions you may have that we may be able to answer. There are, inevitably, questions that cannot be answered. It is with humility that we offer such a service, as we want our patients and their families to be prepared and ready to accept this course, even as we help you fight toward health and wellness.
If you or your loved one is facing transition, remember that this is not "giving up" or "giving in." It's the next step.
[ Accepting the Unknown / Closure / Readiness for Future / Compassionate Care / Family Support Network ]